(714) 478-6663 info@scturf.com

Southern California and Water Waste

Lets face it, we really love to waste water in Orange County. We love to have thick and green lawns that make our houses look neat and tidy, and we love to have that luxurious landscaping that makes the house look expensive. The reality of the situation is that the...

Prepare For The Drought With Artificial Turf

If you have not been paying attention, Southern California has had a drought problem for several years now.  Drought in our area means that the amount of rain and snowfall has not been adequate to fill the reserves enough.  There are measurable points that need to be...

LED Landscape Lighting Installation

All types of products go through changes and improvements over the years.  What was cutting edge and incredible in the past will inevitably be improved upon, making it more reliable, more efficient and better.  This is the case with landscape lighting as well, and LED...

Landscape Lighting Installation In Anaheim

Southern California and Anaheim in particular is one of the most “outdoor friendly” communities in the country.  Lets face it, the weather is pretty much perfect here.  The fact that you can spend both days and nights outside for nearly every day of the...