by ray | Oct 21, 2017 | Benefits, Turf
There are many ways to improve your home’s value, most of which are worth far more as an addition to the resale price than you actually spend. If you are looking to improve your home’s value in order to sell it or if you simply want to upgrade it, it is...
by ray | Jan 24, 2017 | Benefits, Turf
If you are like many other residents of Orange County, you have become concerned over the past few years about water conservation. This may be due to the advertisements that you see on television and hear on the radio about saving water, or it may be simply due to...
by ray | Jan 23, 2017 | Benefits, Turf
Most residents of southern California understand that the area is in a historic drought, and has been under restrictions as far as water usage for quite some time now. Many of our crops and flowers which typically thrive are doing quite poorly over the past few...
by ray | Jan 21, 2017 | Benefits, Putting Greens, Turf
Are you looking for ways to increase your property value and enjoy your yard even more at the same time? Maybe the answer you have been looking for is the installation of a personal putting green or possibly a dog run on your property. With water conservation due to...
by ray | Jan 26, 2015 | Benefits
The smell of fresh cut grass is so refreshing, unless you’re the one mowing it. Many hours and a lot of sweat goes into keeping your lawn looking appealing year round. For those that truly care about the appearance of their lawn, they know all too well about mowing,...
by ray | Dec 9, 2014 | Benefits, Turf
Artificial turf has been rising in popularity among homeowners. Real grass fades, dies, needs continual care, and can overall be a hassle to manage. Not to mention the allergens from grass pollen that cause many folks reactions such as runny and stuffy noses, itchy...