(714) 478-6663 info@scturf.com

There are many ways to improve your home’s value, most of which are worth far more as an addition to the resale price than you actually spend.  If you are looking to improve your home’s value in order to sell it or if you simply want to upgrade it, it is hard to go wrong as an investment when you make your home more desirable.  It is proven that upgraded homes will get more use in the areas that are upgraded, so it only makes sense to think about some upgrades in your yard.  Most people look out at their backyard and just see an open area that you might go out and have a cup of coffee every now and then in, but people who have actually spent the time to think about the potential uses of their yard will see far more actual usage once it is complete.  What this means is that a yard that has a fireplace and seating will get far more use than one that does not have anything like that.  A yard with a putting green, a dining table, a dog run or a play area is the same idea, and follows the same patterns.  Thinking about your yard as an extension of the living areas of your home will help you to create an upgraded design that will get more use, and add more value.

When you begin planning your yard, ask yourself what you would like to do in it.  By creating functional spaces you will also be leading others to use them in the same way.  For example, you can plan your backyard out to have paths made of pavers that lead to a seating area with a firepit.  This will cause you to use your yard more to sit and enjoy the day or night times.  If you enjoy golf, putting in a personal putting green on a small section of your yard will give you the ability to practice your short game without driving to the range.  All of these types of improvements come with an added bit of benefit in that if you remove your existing grass and install either artificial turf or pavers you will no longer need to spend your weekends mowing the lawn and caring for it.  People today would much rather spend their weekends actually enjoying the yard for the functional things that you have planned for it than caring for it (or paying someone else to do it.)  The concept of a yard that is for more than looking at is an upgrade that brings any home into the modern age.

If you are interested in upgrading your yard using pavers, artificial turf, crushed rock and xeriscapiing elements in order to improve it’s value, call us today.  We offer consultations free of charge, and will discuss with you all of the options that you have for making your yard into the space that you have always dreamed of.  No time is better than now.