(714) 478-6663 info@scturf.com

Are you looking for ways to increase your property value and enjoy your yard even more at the same time? Maybe the answer you have been looking for is the installation of a personal putting green or possibly a dog run on your property.  With water conservation due to drought conditions being at the top of most people’s priorities in southern California, exploring ways to conserve water is on the minds of citizens who want to participate in the efforts to benefit the community.  Other people are looking out at their lawn every day and seeing it turn brown over time due to the fact that watering restrictions do not allow you to water enough to keep it healthy.  Still others are just tired of continually maintaining their yard and would like to take it easy for a while.  Almost all of these people would not mind saving money at the same time as looking into these motivating factors, and when you consider that there are ways to accomplish them all and raise your property values as well, people usually want to find out more.

When you install a putting green or a dog play area into your southern California home, you are creating a space where you can enjoy yourself without leaving the house.  This appeals to those wanting to purchase a new home as well, and because they are typically looking for a space that they can spend leisure time as well as just “living there” you make your home appeal greater to potential buyers.  The same is true for spaces that are dedicated to pets, where potential home buyers see these areas and can envision themselves playing with their animals without having to go to the park.  Things that will make a home even more appealing as a “place to stay” is going to add value to the potential purchase price, so improvements of these types will nearly always add to the amount you can ask for your home.  When combined with the fact that putting greens and dog runs are able to be constructed using artificial turf which will not need water or much maintenance, the appeal for potential buyers becomes even greater.

Animals love to play outside, and a dedicated play space where the pet can go to the bathroom as well as play in a protected area adds value for any buyer who loves animals and plans on keeping them in their home.  Artificial turf surfaces make the areas enjoyable for the pets as well as humans, as most pets will prefer to play and go to the bathroom on soft, grassy areas as opposed  to concrete surfaces.  The artificial turf products used today will allow for drainage that was not available in the past, so pet urine smells and staining is not an issue like it used to be.  Golfers love to practice their short game, and a potential home buyer who finds a yard area with no maintenance requirements that also lets them practice without leaving the house is going to consider this added value when offering to purchase.  No matter how you slice it, personal putting greens and pet areas constructed of artificial turf add value to homes while conserving water and reducing maintenance.  Contact us today to learn more about how to create a win win situation in your home!