(714) 478-6663 info@scturf.com

The holidays will generally bring people together for celebrations at your home.  Any time more than a few people get together at your home, you must begin to think about the space itself, and how it will hold this number of people comfortably.  Because we live in southern California and the weather is warm even in the winter time, many holiday get togethers in our area will actually take place in the yard.  The large and open space of your yard is perfect for holding a larger number of people than are typically in your home, but the question is that if the yard has the ability to make people comfortable the same way that the inside of your home does.  In many cases the answer is no, but if you are planning on entertaining this holiday season why not look into solving that issue.

One of the main issues with entertaining outside is the ground covering.  Children and pets are going to want to play on a surface that is soft, and anyone who is walking or running is going to want the surface to not be too movable.  This is why crushed rock and cement are not the ideal surfaces for yards that are being planned as entertainment spaces.  For these types of areas, you are going to want a combination of pavers and artificial turf.  The pavers will provide a stable surface where you can put tables and chairs in order to create a space for gathering, and the artificial turf that surrounds the pavers is ideal for strolling or for play areas.  This kind of combination will solve the problems of the area not being comfortable for different types of guests.

Artificial turf is installed by removing the existing plants and grass and then preparing the ground by smoothing it.  A weed barrier is installed on top of the ground so that weeds and other grasses do not grow up through the artificial turf and cause it to become baggy.  A compacted material is spread over the ground to provide cushioning and make the artificial grass feel more like real grass.  The turf is then rolled out onto the area, and the seams are joined and edges staked down.  Stakes are put in a pattern through the area to insure that it is tight to the ground, and instantaneously you have a green lawn.  Pavers are then installed into the areas that you are planning on entertaining in, creating solid areas where tables and chairs can be placed.  It is important not to put tables and chairs on artificial turf, as they can punch holes in the backing and ruin the installation.  The edges of the turf around the pavers are re-staked to assure a clean edge, and you have your entertainment area.

If you are planning on entertaining this year over the holidays, you are going to want to act fast in order to get the installation done quickly.  Contact our sales team immediately to set up a free estimate.