Millennials Love Artificial Turf

Millennials Love Artificial Turf

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There’s always a generation gap where the older generation does not quite understand the way that the younger generation thinks.  This is nothing new and has been going on for many years, and the overall consensus of the generation of people that goes against the previous generation will ultimately give way as that previous generation loses power.  Until then however, there is a large misunderstanding between the way the younger and older people think in many respects this will create issues with aspects of life that will be transitioned between an older and younger generation.  For example, the sale than existing house from an older couple to a younger couple can be a little bit bewildering for the older couple, because there are aspects of home ownership that the younger people are looking for older people did not.  You would not think that owning a home would be something that would be dictated by the thought process of a generation, but certain elements of it come into play.  The best example is the older generation tool great pride in the upkeep and maintenance of a green grass lawn, and the new generation finds this to be an utterly worthless pursuit.  As a matter of fact, the younger generation views real grass lawns as being completely against everything that they stand for.  There have been improvements in the technological aspects of your presentation, and the new generation views anyone who is not up to date has been detrimental when you have a real grass lawn, younger people will potentially view this as being something that is going to cause them problems in their life, and is being something that will need to be corrected.  They view artificial turf is being superior to real grass, because they are not going to be spending their weekends tending to their grass and instead will spend their weekends enjoying it.  Artificial turf has come a long way since the seventies when many older people were introduced to it, and now the look and feel of artificial turf is pretty much the same as real grass.  This means that without all of the issues that will go with a real grass lawn, as well as the expenses that will be piling up every week, you can have a lawn looks just as good.  Your father might have spent his weekends tending to that lawn in a way that made him happy, but younger people today value their time much more than this.  They believe that a grass lawn is antiquated and would need to be replaced, ultimately meaning that they will look at other homes has been a better fit for them when they are looking to buy a house.  This means that if you have a real grass lawn that you took great pride in keeping up, it may actually work against the sale of your home to a younger buyer.  If you are selling your home, have you upgraded to artificial turf yet?

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