Coastal Greenscapes

Fake Grass And Artificial Turf

Fake Grass And Artificial Turf

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As a home buyer, are there certain things that you look for in your new house that would make one home more appealing than another?  Of course the answer is yes, and we will always find that certain features of a home are going to make it more desirable to a greater number of buyers than others.  This will depend on many different elements, but in Southern California one of the things that we do find is that specific cultural trends will also drive the aspects of a home which are considered desirable.  For example, in the past it was viewed as being a luxury to have a green grass lawn that is perfectly manicured and beautiful.  This would provide a clean look for your house as well as the soft area for pets and children to play on.  The ongoing maintenance of that grass lawn was part of the luxury, being expected to take the majority of your Saturday or Sunday in order to keep it looking good.  Today’s homebuyers are different, and do not want to spend their weekends working on their home as much as they used to.  The younger home buyer of today wants to spend their weekends enjoying their home instead of being a slave to it, or spending large amounts of money to have someone else to maintain it.  This is why so many people are looking into different methods of creating a beautiful outdoor space that did not involve living plants for grass.

Grass and artificial turf are one of the hottest trends for young homebuyers today.  Fake grass will provide all of the safety and comfort that real grass has, while having none of the negative aspects that real grass lawns also come with.  You’re not going to need to water or maintain a fake grass lawn in order to keep it looking perfect.  You’re not going to need to worry about whether watering restrictions are going to turn a brown and then you are going to have to restore it every few years.  Once the fake grass is installed, it is considered to be a permanent fixture of your home that will improve the value as well as the look and feel.  For this reason, we find that younger homebuyers are looking for things like fake grass and artificial turf instead of the natural grass lawns of the past, as well as other features that will ultimately remove the amount of work that they need to do in order to keep their house looking good.  What is considered to be an improvement today might have been looked down upon in the past, but shipping cultural ideas that are driven by the majority of homebuyers are what makes the decisions as far as value.  Fake grass is now a way to improve your home instead of having it detract from your home.  This is why so many buyers have made the switch over to fake grass lawns or water smart landscapes.

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