by ray | Mar 11, 2021 | Articles, Putting Greens, Turf
Install A Personal Putting Green Read More Link: The installation of a personal putting green is not as difficult as you might assume. People who have put their homes up for sale have realized that improving your home is going to give you...
by ray | Jan 25, 2019 | Putting Greens
Are you a golfer? Have you ever dreamed of not having to drive all the way down to the local golf course to practice your short game? Do you realize the amount of practice that you can have simply putting the ball is going to have a dramatic effect on the amount of...
by ray | Jan 25, 2019 | Putting Greens
Orange County residents take their homes seriously, and are going to generally do whatever it takes to make sure they look good. This will mean going to great lengths to improve curb appeal, and make their homes look good from a distance. When it comes to improving...
by ray | Aug 30, 2018 | Putting Greens
If you love golf, you probably fit into one of two categories, the people who have a backyard putting green and the people who want a backyard putting green. A third category might be those who don’t have a backyard putting green yet but are going to get one...
by ray | Aug 29, 2018 | Putting Greens
Possibly the best gift that can be given to an avid golfer is the ability to practice their game more often. The natural assumption would be that this means that your special person should just be allowed to go to the golf course more often to play, but believe it or...
by ray | Aug 3, 2018 | Putting Greens
There are two types of golfers, the kind that have a backyard putting green installed at their home and the kind that want a backyard putting green installed at their home. This is because there is simply no more convenient way to practice your putting that having the...