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Artificial Turf To Save Maintenance

Read More Link: https://www.scturf.com/

Buyers of new homes today are different than they were in the past, and their priorities have changed dramatically. In the past, it was considered to be a badge of honor to work on your yard on your weekends, spending as much time as possible watering and mowing your lawn until it looked perfect.  Within a neighborhood community, it was actually considered to be bad form if you did not spend a significant amount of time upgrading your lawn and working on it, and very few people had the amount of money that will be necessary to pay maintenance people to do that amount of work.  Today, homebuyers are quite different and are looking for ways to minimize the amount of work that they need to do while maximizing the amount of time that they can spend enjoying themselves.  The purchase of a new home represents the ultimate securing of an area where you can spend your time enjoying yourself, and for young people today the last thing that they want to think about is how much work they’re going to need to do in order to keep their house looking good for other people.  Instead, they plan on spending their time enjoying the surroundings that they have purchased, entertaining friends or simply enjoying doing nothing.  They’re willing to pay a premium to avoid the amount of work that was necessary in the past to keep their lawns looking good.  This is why so many home buyers are considering artificial turf to be an upgrade that they are willing to pay for.  They are looking your home with a real grass lawn and thinking that they are going to need to spend money to remove that grass and replace it with artificial turf so as to be able to spend their weekends enjoying themselves instead of mowing.  They were looking at the expense of installing artificial turf against the amount of money that they would be spending paying groundskeepers and landscapers to do the work for them, and are thinking that they’re going to need to upgrade this home in order to enjoy it.  This means they’re not willing to pay a premium for your home instead are probably going to look for a discount because they are viewing it as a liability.  This is like you are considering selling your home in Orange County or any other area in Southern California, you should probably consider replacing that real grass lawn with artificial turf lawn before putting the house up for sale.  This will give you the ability to sell it as it as a low maintenance home and also an upgrade.  You will easily recoup the amount of money that is spent doing the upgrade on the added price that you can ask for the home, and you will attract an entirely new group of younger potential homebuyers in the process.  Understand your buyer and what they’re looking for is the key to getting a premium price.